Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Wasaga Part 5

After I puked I was still feelin shitty and I was just plopped on the couch watchin tv and I didn't wanna move. I took some pills but only had the energy to groan when they asked me if I was OK :P I was gonna pass out sittin there in my clothes but then I felt a 2nd wave comin. And then I did it a 3rd time later. They were all in bed already and I'm still tryin to pass the nausea at 4:30 in the morning. Later I realized I had half of Vick's Bacardi last night. It didn't occur to me that I wasn't supposed to be drinkin that, cuz rum makes me sick...on top of the half a mickey of vodka and the amaretto sour that night. But Vick was like, I don't want it all, drink it! I actually woulda been alright if not for the fuckin Bacardi, dammit! Haha.

But besides that, I had fun. I got like 3 hrs sleep til we had to check out. And that was Wasaga, kids. 2nd time around should be off the fuckin chain.

Mon I basically unpacked and slept.

Yesterday I went out with P to go get Avril's new CD but I didn't realize it was out already so I got to Futureshop right when they closed. I tried another one but they all close at 9 :P Then we went to Q's and then Timmy's. I was all, aw man, about the CD thing esp cuz they had them for $9.99 for Tues only. But I went online and bought it for that much, free shipping :) Except they hafta refill their stock which is 4-6 days and then however long it takes to get to me. I won't have it soon but at least I'll have it...and for cheap!


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