Friday, May 28, 2004

I went over to G's last night to use her comp (isn't that retarded, I gotta go over to someone's house every time I wanna check my email). She wanted to burn my CDs to make one for herself...cuz she's "too urban for you!" LOL Watched the finale of Gilmore Girls...Sarah and Heather spazzed like you don't even know...they were YELLING. Haha, they make me laugh. Oh, and we were talkin about our soggy weekend in Wasaga and I came up with callin it Wetsaga LOL I am AWESOME! Hahahahaha!

So what else is new, hmmm...Vick's bday is on Sat...Avril's gonna do an I&I at Much tomorrow...JC's doin his show at the Guv next week, same day as Fish's grad (what to do?? Haha)...Calgary beat Tampa in game 1, go Flames go!...still lookin/waitin for good Evanescence tix.

G came over today cuz she was antsy to do somethin. Went to the mall to try and find a present for Vick, went to Milestone's. And now some drama about Pris' grad dinner and Wonderland next Sat. *Grr face*


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