Thursday, June 03, 2004

OMG. Really, I don't think I can write about everythin that's happened in the past 3 days...and Blogger most likely won't let me post that much anyway cuz it will be about 30 paragraphs long.

How do I sum it all up without explainin it all? Let's just say that it was trippy enough as it was in the beginning...that's when it was easier, it was actually fine...but now that I know what I know and the shit that I've had to think about, I can honestly say it's been a LONG time since I've had to deal with this kinda thing. And that's exactly why I never wanna go there! I just can't believe how much somethin can change in a day. Any details of Mon, Tues, Wed, don't matter much compared to the mind stress I had to deal with after the fact. DAMMIT!

*Sigh* But I'm sure it'll all sort itself out soon...cuz I guess I don't really have much of a choice. I'll be back to write what I can, when I'm up to it.


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